SCCARFS Pet Connection Project – External CNR Proposal

Hello Everyone..
(With reference to Catalina’s Neuter and Release Program Thread)

After much consideration and lengthy deliberations, we at SCCARFS Pet Connection Project have decided to not participate in the above thread’s Neuter and Release Program as we fear that we may be detracting from our original goals and principles..

It is obvious that we all have very different styles of walking though the destination may be the same.

Besides, we also believe that too many cooks spoils the soup..

However, we would still like to contribute towards the above thread’s project by donating financially.. as everyone..

With that, we pledge to up the ante from the asking RM10 per month per person and contribute RM100 every month to the Catalina CNR Program upon commencement of the project.

Thank you so much, everyone..

Yours sincerely,
SCCARFS Pet Connection Project

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